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The Club For Classic Japanese Motorcycles

For Japanese Motorcycles 15 years plus









VJMC Membership Renewal

The day after your membership is due you will receive an email asking you to log on to the LoveAdmin System to pay. 


Please do not renew your membership before it is due.


If you don't receive an email you can log onto the LoveAdmin system here .


To make a one-off payment you can select to pay through Paypal or GoCardless.  To set up a Direct Debit you will be directed to GoCardless.


If you don't want to use the new system or you have problems using it, there are other ways you can pay for your membership:-


  • You can download a renewal form at the bottom of this page and post it with a cheque made payable to VJMC Ltd.
  • You can call the office and pay by Debit/Credit Card 
  • You can pay by PayPal (or Debit/Credit Card) directly by completing the form below 




OR . . . . .

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Download the Membership Renewal form, edit it and either print it and send it by mail to the address on the form or email it to 


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Membership enquiries only 01454 501310  
PO Box 1949
BS37 0BX
Office hours Mon-Thu 10am- 4pm (Please leave a message)
We do not operate a parts location/advice service.  


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