Suzuki RE5A
The Suzuki RE5A pictured belongs to Lee Doxey. Suzuki only
made the RE5 for a couple of years back in 74 when many car and motorcycle manufacturers
thought the rotary engine was the way forward. Suzuki went full speed ahead with
development as they wanted to be the first to add a rotor powered motorcycle to their
lineup, it was a decision that almost bankrupt Suzuki. Sales of the new "M" model flopped, later in
desperation Suzuki released the "A" model that was a little more conventional with it's instruments and
slightly improved, that also failed to attract new buyers of this futuristic machine, quietly Suzuki
dropped it from their catalogue.
Thirty odd years later classic motorcycle
enthusiast are only recently appreciating the rare RE5, this has made it highly collectable and
pushed up values of good well maintained running machines.
Lee decided he had to have an RE5 and bought a good
unrestored bike from a reliable source, Lee realised that this would be a brave
restoration that was due to start in late 2007. After reading everything about the RE5
including all the manuals Lee became quite confident that he could do it. Surprisingly
it didn"t take that long to complete as all of the parts needed came from one supplier in the States. In no
time at all it was running and being ridden as if a new bike.
This bike turns heads, many bikers know about it but have
never seen one and others never knew it existed. Forget what you hear about the RE5 being unreliable
or too thirsty for petrol and using too much oil, most of its not true, a well maintained Suzuki rotary can
be as reliable as any other machine. A heavy cruiser that Lee rides around South Wales
knowing he will never see another one coming from the opposite direction, it's good to be