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David Lightfoot's 1977 Kawasaki Z650 B1

I'm Dave Lightfoot and I'm a member of the VJMC with the West Sussex section.
Here is an image of my '78 Z650B1 (built '77). I have sought to bring it close to stock condition, although it now benefits from a K700 Wiseco piston kit, GPZ sump / oil cooler and Hagon Springs and shocks, plus a number of other smaller tweets. Most recently I managed to find an original exhaust system in good knick to replace the Motad 4 into 1 that it came with (massive improvement!).
The thing that I am least happy with the bike as is, is the slightly distorted petrol tank - I used compressed air to pressure test it after a repair and "overdid it" a bit!. This means that the tank doesn't sit low enough where it meets the side panels, which is anoying. Anyway I'm a bit too scared of making things worse to tackle this for now but I'll have to man up at some time.

Kawasaki Z650 B1

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